Agricultural labor force

美 [ˌæɡrɪˈkʌltʃərəl ˈleɪbər fɔːrs]英 [ˌæɡrɪˈkʌltʃərəl ˈleɪbə fɔːs]
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Agricultural labor forceAgricultural labor force
  1. China agricultural labor force shift has its own characteristic .


  2. ⅱ The study of commercialization of the agricultural labor force in ancient China .


  3. Agricultural Labor Force : An Analysis of Its Transfer Reality and Countermeasures


  4. Enhances the agricultural labor force the status , the improvement management ;


  5. Surplus agricultural labor force transfer in Shantou City in recent years


  6. Basic Thoughts on Transferring Additional Agricultural Labor Force in Wuling Mountainous Areas


  7. Agricultural Labor Force Aging Phenomenon and the Effect on Agricultural Production : Evidence from Liaoning Province


  8. In Chapter 4 , the paper studies the dual excess system transfer and agricultural labor force transfer .


  9. Perspectives of Transfer on Surplus Agricultural Labor force


  10. The surplus of agricultural labor force is a big problem perplexing the economic development of China .


  11. No Equilibria of the Surplus of Agricultural Labor Force in Weifang


  12. Agricultural labor force per capita GDP is 2.9 times than that of the average value in China .


  13. In Chapter 3 , dual structure characteristics are discussed after review of history of Chinese transfer of agricultural labor force .


  14. In this paper , the structure and flow of the agricultural labor force in Japan are analysied .


  15. The Study of the Relation between Industrialization , Urbanization and Agricultural Labor Force Migration in the Transitional Economy in China


  16. There have been fundamental impetus and attraction concerning the agricultural labor force transfer since the 1990s .


  17. Transfer of agricultural labor force , is not only an important practical matter but also an issue with quite high academic value .


  18. It is a rule that the agricultural labor force shift in all the countries , and it also formed a theory .


  19. Chapter three gives a detail analysis to the transfer of the Chinese surplus agricultural labor force under the four-dimension economy .


  20. Chapter ⅳ . from the perspective of the agricultural labor force to explain the province agricultural labor relations and industrial structure .


  21. First , the low quality of agricultural labor force , reducing the agricultural labor productivity , hindered the development of modern agriculture .


  22. In recent years , the opportunity cost of agricultural labor force working in agriculture is increasing , making further expanded agricultural labor force flow .


  23. Coping with the problem of agricultural labor force aging , and making efforts to change the mode of rural labor force flow have become imperative .


  24. The course of industrial transfer of agricultural labor force in China is going along on the background of the dualistic economic structure of urban areas and rural areas .


  25. At present , the quality of the agricultural labor force is worrying . There are many problems in the process of cultivating new professional farmers and agricultural modernization development .


  26. It seems that dual structure has been built as well as a unique dual social structure , which hinders development of agriculture and transfer of agricultural labor force .


  27. The agricultural labor force is a key input factor in agricultural production , their professional standards , professional skills , directly impact on the level of development of agriculture .


  28. The key to solve the problem is to transfer the redundant labor forces in the countryside and agriculture , to improve the productivity of the agricultural labor force .


  29. In addition , although the evaluation value of industrial domestic environment is high , the evaluation value of agricultural labor force quality and agriculture input intensity in science and technology is in low level .


  30. Significant rural population structure change has brought significant changes in the age structure of the agricultural labor force ; the average age of the agricultural labor force presents the incremental aging trend .
